19 Jul Who’s the Author of your Story? 23 July 2019
Business Breakfast Series
This talk is about the stories that get in the way of living our best life and becoming more ‘courageous leaders’ in life and work.
Come join us from 07:30am at Kafnu Alexandria to listen to the amazing Debra Birks discuss the topic of Who’s the Author of your Story?
This talk is about the stories that get in the way of living our best life and becoming more ‘courageous leaders’ in life and work. Change the story you’re holding onto that keeps you from moving forward…getting that promotion, or having trusting relationships, or finding a lack of resilience after a fall, or negotiating in a tough conversation.
Learn some simple strategies to reset, be braver in your life, tame that inner critic and rise from falls.
There will be some light refreshments and breakfast snacks on hand also.
We look forward to seeing you all here at Kafnu Tuesday from 07:30am.
Date and Time
Tue, July 23, 2019
7:30 AM – 9:30 AM AEST
Kafnu Alexandria
41 – 43 Bourke Road
#Building 12
Alexandria, NSW 2015
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